SCHADENFREUDE Why do I rejoice in someone's pain? Their misfortune brings me no gain Revenge of the hopeless Was Nietzsche onto me? But I don't feel powerless Schadenfreude, egoism Verifies my narcissism Schadenfreude won't abate Amplifies my wretched state Malicious bliss when others badly miss I'm secretly elated with plans gone amiss How miserable a jerk I am My outward kindness is a scam Schadenfreude I'm pathetic Schadenfreude Not sympathetic Finding pleasure when I see Those I don't like in misery Would it hurt me if I was nice Superseding this odious vice To care for the rival Compassionately live? So no one feel powerless Gaffe prone VPs make me smile at will Talentless artists' failed sync tracks give me a thrill The underserved deserve to fail I'm pleased to see their plans derail Schadenfreude I'm pathetic Schadenfreude Not sympathetic Finding pleasure when I see Those I don't like in misery February 2022, Ash Hall