ARCANE Some things mundane were arcane Until we found them Most mysteries are not hidden Few secrets remain unspoken These days nothing is confidential All is shared, nothing remains special There's power when some things are closed Not everything should be exposed An open book is not necessary Misread, it could be incendiary I'll keep safe from you Troublesome issues Some things mundane were arcane Until we caught them Does art that is more demanding Provide more value and meaning? Reward is found in understanding The process often can be daunting Some poems I find esoteric Obtuse and acroamatic I get more when I can listen And move towards erudition I'll keep clandestine So you can be sanguine Some things arcane won't be mundane We'll never learn them I feel the song Natural Mystic Bob Marley's words are fatallistic The trumpet calls and I can hear My growing panic and my fear There's power when some things are closed Not everything should be exposed An open book's not necessary Misread, it could be incendiary I'll keep safe from you Troublesome issues --July 2020, Ash Hall